Paraiso Punto Cero
Context: I was invited to perform in this dance piece by Integro and directed by Oscar Naters. It tells about the negative intervention of humans in untouched nature.
Theme: The character has to visualize the
destruction, by violence and rationality, of natural harmony (main character and light is
a slow changing video by Wouter, forming a landscape on a 9x7m background of 30k lumen).
Idea: Me as performer drove onto stage, and with a daily item, an
(i)Phone, controlled the drawing of lines on the whole cyclorama, with drilling sound at
the start, with bass bombs at the end. The lines and checkerboard automatically got red
and later disappeared
Solution: The iPhone communicates wirelessly
OSC orders to a lap with a program in Quartz, which generates image and triggers
Video fragment of ParaisoPuntoCero 2011